Monday, June 17, 2013

Where's the Beef? (If Beef Were Words)

People have been asking lately why I haven't been posting here.

The answer is simple: I got sick of cooking for kids who did not appreciate my culinary efforts.

To be fair, I seem to have had more disasters than successes when it came to replicating the recipes in this book, but even when I was dishing up alleged favourites the finicky three would inevitably complain about something.

So every now and then I have been serving them cereal at dinner time, and even though it was meant to be a punishment, they were quite ecstatic about the arrangement.

It's one of those rare parenting win/win situations.

My main concern has been the lack of vegetables the fussy niblets would consume on breakfast night, but ever since a friend pointed out the quintessential Aussie cereal cornflakes, I feel much better.

I will make a concerted effort to get my project up and running again soon. After all, there is an entire breakfast section.

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